- Call our shelter (814.443.2121) as soon as possible. Give a complete description of your pet and his/her name. If you have a picture (you should take and keep one on hand just in case), give one to the shelter employees. Check the shelter regularly.
- Call the Humane Society of Cambria County (814.535.6116).
- Call the Bedford County Humane Society (814.623.8968).
- Place an ad in the Somerset Daily American by calling 814.445.9621.
- Check our Facebook page to see if anyone has reported your pet found or to post a picture that your pet is missing.
- Check the Lost and Found Pets of Somerset County, PA Facebook page to see if anyone has reported your pet found or to post a picture that your pet is missing.
- Call the radio station WMTZ, 96.5 (814.535.8554). WMTZ has been very cooperative and will place free lost or found announcements